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All day and all night!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Pastor Ryan to the Rescue - Out 19th July

When an 18 year-old member of his congregation is in sore distress, Pastor Ryan has no choice but to offer himself as an instrument of the Lord's healing mercy.


Tracy nodded. “She’s telling the truth, Pastor Ryan. You’ve got to believe her.”
“They were naked in the house and my daughter was rubbing this girl’s privates.” Mr. Kelly shouted, shaking off his wife’s restraining hand. “What else could it be but the work of the Devil?”
Lorna started sobbing.
“They were in your house?” Pastor Ryan asked.
“Yes. In Lorna Mae’s room. And they didn’t have on panties. Sitting in front of the mirror, touching each other in immoral sin. Can you imagine that, Pastor? Can you imagine such sinfulness?”
Actually, yes, Pastor Ryan could easily imagine it. The image of two pretty young pussies woke his cock right up.
“I must get to the bottom of this,” he said.
“Yes, that’s why we came to seek your spiritual guidance. This is the Devil’s work and I can do nothing, but you are a man of God.”
“Hmm.” Pastor Ryan noticed the girls’ anxious expressions. “You said you had a reason, Lorna. I’m going to need to know that reason. I can’t help you without knowing.”
“I…I can’t,” Lorna cried. “Not in front of…of them.”
“You’d rather your parents left the room?”
Lorna nodded.  

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