All day and all night!

All day and all night!

Friday 28 June 2013

Now Available! And Free!

At Daddy's Service I is now available free at Kobo and Smashwords and soon at more ebooksellers. (It's at Amazon, too, but for .99 until they price-match which, hopefully, will be soon.)

Dennis Denton is a high–powered lobbyist in Washington, D.C. who owes his success to his beautiful and highly-skilled wife. But there’s an important deal in the making and Mrs. Denton won’t be in the city to provide her usual services. It’s up to their gorgeous, adoptive daughter, Alana, to help her Daddy and she’s thrilled to do it if it means she’ll finally get a taste of something she's been longing for.

Friday 14 June 2013

First story drops!

Coming soon!

Sweet, not-so-innocent, Kathy, has had a crush on her sexy stepfather for years and after her 18th birthday, she decides to make her move.